Aphasia, what do you know about?
Aphasia is one very common challenge many survivors face.
We are excited to have Melissa Fryers to come to present to the group on this topic. There will be fun interactions between Melissa and the audience.
To join the meeting, click on the Zoom link at 10:45 AM PST: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81903263585?pwd=YW9MeGNpb1VIN0EvMmh1L2kxZE1wdz09
About Melissa
Melissa Fryer is a Speech Language Pathologist and Clinical Assistant Professor at Pacific University. She supervises graduate student clinicians in Pacific University Clinics in Hillsboro and Portland. She worked for 10 years in skilled nursing facilities in the Portland Metro area and is passionate about working with adults and teaching students the importance of interprofessional clinical service.
She can be reached at fryer@pacificu.edu
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